- The modular design allows to build fault-tolerant distributed system.
- The centralized management tool(CC.exe) allows to completely control all aspects
of the system.
- Visual programming language(Logram).
- Monitor logram already at design time.
- The use of open protocols MQTT and MQTTS allows the connection of third-party
- Treelike data storage organization makes it easy to organize the work.
- Low hardware cost. Preserved hardware compatibility with Arduino.
Latest News
- Jul 07, 2016 Firmware V3.1.3
- Implemented Embedded PLC
- Optimized HAL:
- Completed Drivers for STM32 L0/F0/F1/F3
- most of the PHY's does not require special drivers
- A/D/IO - Hardware independent mapping
- Added PHY's
- RF - RFM69/SX1231
- RS485 - Multimaster TDMA !! It's not Modbus !!
- Apr 07, 2016 v.0.316.407.0
- Dec 08, 2015 v.0.315.1207
- Fixed some bugs in CC
- TWI device tested to work in sleep mode.
- Suported TWI devices:
- LM75 - temperature sensor
- CC2D - temperature and humidity sensor
- HIH61xx - temperature and humidity sensor
- SI7020 - temperature and humidity sensor
- BMP180 - temperature and pressure sensors
- BME280 - temperature, humidity and pressure sensors
- BH1750 - light sensor
- BlinkM - RGB controler
- TWI Expander - 16 digital IOs
- Juli 16, 2015 v.0.3.1529
- Fixed bug in PersistentStorage
- Added BME280 high accuracy sensors for pressure, humidity and temperature
- Mai 26, 2015 Software v. 0.3.1520
- MQTT-SN.serial add configuration blacklist & whitelist.
Examle: [Engine.xst]
- Updated 'NewWave' firmware.
- Updated library WS#
- September 23, 2014 Software v. 0.3.1439
- Fixed url in the updater
- Added component to export data to narodmon.ru
- Updated library WS#
- August 21, 2014 Firmware v. 4.0.alfa
- 1st public version
Client source for STM32
- March 24, 2014 Software v. 0.3.1414
- Added plugin persistentStorage_V4
compatible with. NET and mono
does not require a third-party component
for conversion use db3_to_xdb
- in MQTTS plugin adds support SmartTWI devices
- fixed many minor bugs
- January 26, 2014 Software v. 0.3.1405
- Added support of byteArray
- October 12, 2013 release
- Software v0.3.1346
- Firmware v2.6.0
- September 29, 2013 1Wire Plugin
- Added for testing plugin for 1Wire Netz
- July 5, 2013 X13.Home 0.3 Beta 2